What Tools do you Use to solve your Problems
Hammers and Nails and Problems – and Solutions
I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail. Maslow in “Toward a Psychology of Being”
Let’s be careful not to make every solution a hammer and nail solution.
The Concept
Different challenges and problems need different ways of solving them, in fact, there could be more than one way to solve a situation. And with complex issues, there may be many steps or parts to a solution.
In Organizations
It’s very easy to try and do the same thing over and over in any organization. The phrase “we’ve always done it that way” is common for a reason. But when change comes and new problems arise, new tools need to be found and used to reach a positive solution.
In (my) Coaching and Supervision
What am I saying? Well, in clothing terms, “one size does notfit all.” In coaching and supervision terms it means that one theory has a better solution for one challenge and another kind or method of coaching or supervision has a solution that fits better with a second issue. This is one of the reasons why I use several different theories and methods, and why I continue learning and getting more training.
Of course we all have our favorites and personal strengths. Mine are psychology (in general, specifically, Jungian, cbt and gestalt) and systems theory, but I do not solely use these constructs to help me with my clients, of course I use an “artist’s pallet” of tools and theories.
For You
This phrase should also apply to you, your organization and your business: one solution may work in one case or have worked in the past, but now you may need another tool or method of problem-solving for the next time. This is why we should all be extremely careful not to look at a situation with blinders or tunnel vision., or to “follow the crowd” with the newest or most popular method.
Some Questions for Reflection:
Here are some questions for you to think about this week regarding your problems:
What is my biggest challenge at the moment? When I put it on a scale, how important is it to me to solve this issue? What benefit does NOT solving the problem give- and to whom? By when would I want it solved? What was a previous solution to a situation that I was satisfied with? How did I arrive at that solution?
and so on…
Have a great week!
Patricia Jehle patricia@jehle-coaching.com