Jehle Coaching

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Are you an Optimist? Great! If not, here's some help:

Optimists Win- ALWAYS

I don’t mean the naïve ones, but the tough-minded ones.

 I am reading a book called, “Useful Delusions”, which talks about how our mind plays tricks on ourselves to help us be more resilient. One of the  research-based sections is on optimism and how optimists live longer. Sorry for those of you who don’t use your rose colored glasses very much. Dust them off and try to remember the positives in life and be grateful for them.

 I can’t stress this strongly enough.  

What can help is to think of your BIG WHY and do what you feel “called to do”. This also help to keep us on track and feel good about what we are doing.

As we go into the week, let us remember the WHY we are doing things and if it isn’t a good enough why, then, find something better to do.  If you really want to do something well, you need to believe in what you are doing.

Also, here are a few tips to help you remain more positive

1) Smile more.  

There is research that proves that if your carry your body in a certain way, it can change your mood.  Smiling makes you more positive.  Ask Amy Cuddy. Set the timer every 120 minutes and when the bell rings smile for a minute. See what happens after a week and after three weeks.

2) Stand like Wonder Woman.  

No joke.  This really also gives you the positive power and presence you might need today to get out there and “win one for the Gipper”.  Try it—but perhaps at home or in the bathroom, not in front of those you will be presenting to. Do it every day for a minute at the beginning of your day and see what happens after a week, and after three weeks.

Last week I taught a course on presentation techniques and encouraged the students to stand like Wonder Woman (or Superman, if they preferred) before their talks to gain courage and feel power. Embodiment is a great way to go when it comes to needing to feel more powerful.

3) Write down three things you are grateful for. Every. Day. For those of you who read my blogs, you know this is a mantra of mine: be grateful for the past, savor the present and have good things planned for the future (to give you hope).

Finally, I want to leave you with a question:

Do you have a definition of success for your business (or career) that allows you to stand for something special and that inspires others to stand with you?

I wish you a very successful week!

Patricia Jehle