Jehle Coaching

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News - mine and what is yours?

What have you been up to?

I have had several things on the burner, and not much on the back burner, so it has been a juggling process since the beginning of September and it will continue this month, but November looks free-er (and I will have time for new clients and different projects).

First, there was the EASC annual general meeting and then the EASC online congress shortly afterwards. I, of course, participated in both as a board member and I also gave a workshop on resilience, burnout and sustainable work – for us as coaches and supervisors but also with helps for our clients. One of the big changes anyone can make is to focus more on relationships and less on tasks because research shows that people with a lot of stress who have positive supporting relationships in their lives still thrive, even though they are stressed. Also, when we change our thinking about stress from “stress is bad” to “stress is preparing me for the next big thing” we also tend to thrive better. Research shows that people who think that stress can hurt them do not do as well as those who see stress as positive (or even as neutral).

Then the fall semester began and I  am teaching “only” four classes, with an added side gig at Careum next week. I still love teaching and really enjoy interacting with my students.

This does not include any clients, of which I have enough – at least until the beginning of November.

Then last week I went to a book launch of a colleague, Angela Weinberger, and have bought and am reading her book, “The Global Rockstar Album”, so I can write a book review for her. One of my favorite parts, so far (and I am at about 50%, now) is the difference between creating a place of trust or a place of psychological safety (especially for teams).

Finally, this month is the month Switzerland votes for their members of parliament. And I am running for parliament for the EVP (“Evangelisches Volkspartei”) under the list 7f (for flourishing SMEs). Saturday I spent an hour putting flyers in letter boxes in my village (it will take another 2-3 hours to finish) and I have as of yet to discover where all my neighbors’ letterboxes are!  If you are Swiss and live in the Aargau, you are invited to vote for me, but most of my readers are neither of the above, I know.

Looking to the future - November, the month of thanks-giving, there is a little more room to breathe, and in January there is also a vision trip with friends to Thailand and many more meetings with clients and the EASC board throughout 2024.

And, who knows what might come of the vote on October 22nd… but I am not counting on winning. If you do not vote for me, and you can, vote for Lilan Studer (Aargau), Nik Gugger (Zürich), or Marc Jost (Bern).

Yet, as my neighbor said, one never knows, and October 22nd is only three weeks away!

And what is new with you?

Have a great week with what you are up to and remember to focus on your positive relationships and consider your stress as helpful (for completing the next tasks).

Patricia Jehle