Jehle Coaching

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Summer is a time to Reflect, Take Stock, Plan and be Thankful

How are you moving forward this and next week?

And for your summer, especially summer break?

This is, most likely, your last push before the holiday slump/rest and then it’s the summer break.

So, how do you decide what is most important, next important, etc.

How do you set your priorities, especially when, like me, you may be taking an extended break soon?

Do you know which activities bring you the most clients/customers, or financial turnover?

If you don’t it is time to find out!

 Do those activities which bring you closer to your goals, to more clients, to more turnover.

The rest of your to-dos can fall away till August (or September for some of us).

Make sure your WHY is number one in your decision-making process, too.

Your WHY is your reason to be in business - your passion, purpose.

If the reason you are “in business” in the first place is at the forefront, your work before July 15th, 2023 will be blessed. Period.

Results are the goal for your decision making.

Make sure you know what brings results (see above) and then communicate these activities and the results to your team (or your “people”). If you are a one-woman-show (like me), then tell your F&Fs (friends and family, or your partner, or…).

By making that goal communication you solidify your decisions to do the best and most important thing and hopefully avoid the “shiny new thing” that may be a rabbit hole and a waste of time, money and energy.

Have you some lessons learned from this first semester of 2023? Or from 2022?

Learn your Lessons and act on those take-aways.

Make sure you know what you have learned in the past, reflect on them and then move forward with better ideas, and structures to follow through with.

Do not be the person that says, “it was just bad luck.” That is not going to get you any farther. Remember to do reflection on your failures and gains and do what works.

Also, know what is key.

Know your bottom line and have a concrete plan for if you cross it – what are the steps to either a pivot, a complete change, or…?

What is next?

When the big break comes, what else are you going to do?

What is the long-term plan?

And what do you want to do when you are 50? 60? 70???

Do not forget the BIG picture in your planning and carrying out of your to-dos. Always have the Big Picture in mind.


In all things be thankful and savor the present.

Remember the PPF Model:

PAST: Remember the past and be grateful, PRESENT: savor what we have in the present and FUTURE:  anticipate the good things the future holds with hope.

Summer can be a time of R&R (hopefully) – and a time to take stock before the fall rust starts.

The future is coming up with every new breath we breathe.

So, take a clean deep breath and move into that future with hope and confidence, based on what you have (PPFs) and what you  are learning.

Have a wonderful week,

Patricia Jehle