Jehle Coaching

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Are you underwater, swimming, resurfacing, or on a raft relaxing?

Today I am thinking about water and being somewhere in it.

Are you underwater, swimming, resurfacing, or on a raft relaxing?

I am resurfacing from an extremely busy few weeks. I knew it would be that way and I was prepared.

What about you? How do you prepare?

What are you telling yourself?

Is it positive and helpful or critical?

When you criticize yourself, what words or phrases tend to come up?

Language and thoughts are closely linked, according to research.

Do you know that the more you think a certain way (e.g. negative thinking, OR positive, solution-oriented thinking), the more that “pathway “is expanded and grows? Is your negative path becoming a superhighway?

It is time for a change!

Maybe you are stuck in your negative thinking…?

Either about yourself or about your situation?

Sometimes it is not what you are telling yourself, but what is “coming at you.”

Do you know what is most important and are you able to focus on that “one thing” until it is done, or are you easily distracted by either stressful triggering incidents or fun “shiny” activities?

It may be time for you to focus on the positive and do one thing at a time.

Make time!

One activity you can do is block some time. This means no telephone, no “online” at all. I had one client leave her regular office for this and go to another office where she does not usually work so she could get some very key thinking and planning done.

To do this, she had to make sure that the bases were covered back at the office. Then she left.

Staying in the office did not work because people knew she was “always available” and she had set herself up for being the person they went to for all the issues at work.

What is next for you? Do you look forward to something with hope and anticipation?

Remember to build a superhighway for the positive to find positive solutions (or call on me for help).

Patricia Jehle