Jehle Coaching

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Summer 2024 - are you taking a break?

Have you got time for some holidays?

Are you skipping vacation? (again!?!)

I have just come back from a shorter holiday (8 days) and will take a longer one in about six weeks for over 3 weeks)…  NICE!

How about you??? You should plan a holiday vacation, if you haven’t.

The temptation is to keep on working, or even work while on holiday, BUT it is NOT sustainable, nor is it healthy.

Many of us are tempted to skip our vacation, or at least check out work emails daily (hourly?) while away. 

After all, nobody wants 1,000+ emails to go back to work to. 

But psychologists have found it vital for our health and well-being to completely “shut down” for a while, even if it’s a 48-hour break from emails, and a change of pace and scenery. 

IT’S NOW almost JUNE! 

Have you planned your vacation?  Taken it already?

Decided to skip it and save money, or work through till the fall?  Maybe you are looking for a job…?  (see my previous blog)

Your physical and mental health depend on R&R!

Studies have shown that you need to take time away from the daily schedule of work for our long-term health, whatever that place activity and might be.  It is the “other,” the change, that causes your restoration and growth. 

For example, new places make new mental neuron synapses grow and rest the overused “pathways” of much used tracks of thinking in our brains.

New activities do the same for you, maybe even in a stronger way.

Not only that, but stress levels are reduced when you are away from it all and therefore, productivity increases with a break in work. 

This kind of activity prevents burnout, and sometimes, if your burnout stage is low, it can even heal you from it, otherwise, you may need some help in your burnout if you return from holiday and don’t feel refreshed.

For Bosses:

Employers should be sending your team members away more often just for better productivity—and for better creativity.  Research has shown that the employees return to work relaxed, more creative, and healthier and ready for more work challenges to be overcome.

Your need to relax - OR you might find it difficult to do so later on and really risk burning out!

It has been shown that, depending on your actual stress level at any point in time, it will take more or less time to unwind and really relax.  I

f you work for too long without a real break, it becomes increasingly more difficult to wind down and relax.  Eventually, you will be unable to “remember how to relax” and may be in danger of burnout.  Therefore, even long weekends with no emails are recommended to keep you “in practice” with your R&R. 

Your family matters, and spending time with family builds the relationship(s)

Finally, it is important to remember that the reason you are working is (or hopefully should be) less important than your relationship with your loved ones. 

So, spend time with your people doing what you all like, even if it’s evenings and weekends and not on full holidays.

Finally: just do it!

·      take that time off and really relax doing whatever charges your batteries  

·      when you are away from work, limit the amount of time on work-related activities such as emails (just say no to hourly email checks- maybe triage once a day is helpful)

·      do things with those people you love 

·      have fun and relax, even if it’s for shorter periods of time 

There is only one summer of 2024, after all. 

Enjoy it!

Patricia Jehle