Jehle Coaching

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Focus on the positives and WRITE THEM DOWN!

There is Power in Journaling in for Your Career: Embracing the Positive!

Are you a bit down today?

In the fast-paced world of your work week, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, focusing on deadlines, projects, and the never-ending to-do list. Yet, there’s a simple and often overlooked tool that can help you stay grounded, motivated, and continually growing in your career: journaling. Specifically, keeping a record of the positive feedback you receive - and your “wins” - can be a game-changer, offering a host of benefits that extend far beyond the moment of recognition.

Why shoud You Journal?

  1. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

Everyone has off days—times when imposter syndrome creeps in, or when challenges at work make you question your abilities. By maintaining a journal of positives, you create a personalized reservoir of encouragement. Flipping through these entries reminds you of your successes, the skills you've honed, and the impact you've made. This can significantly boost your confidence, especially during moments of doubt.

  1. Tracking Your Personal and Professional Growth

Journaling about the positive feedback and your successes you receive allows you to track your growth over time. As you reflect on past entries, you’ll notice patterns in the types of praise you receive—perhaps you're consistently acknowledged for your leadership, communication skills, or problem-solving abilities. Recognizing these strengths can help you identify areas where you excel and guide your career development, as well as prepare you for performance reviews or job interviews.

  1. Reinforcing Positive Behaviors in Your Work and Life

When you journal about the positive feedback you receive and your successes, you reinforce the behaviors and actions that led to that recognition. It’s a way of acknowledging what worked well, which in turn encourages you to continue exhibiting those behaviors. Over time, this practice helps solidify your strengths and cultivates a mindset focused on continuous improvement.

  1. Enhancing Your Resilience (more about this in later blogs)

Workplace challenges are inevitable. Whether it’s a project that didn’t go as planned or constructive criticism that stings, setbacks are a part of the career journey. By maintaining a journal that includes positive feedback and successes, you equip yourself with a tool to counterbalance the negative. When faced with difficulties, revisiting your journal can remind you of your capabilities and successes, helping you to bounce back with resilience.

  1. Building Your Personal “Brand”

Your “positives” journal can also serve as a valuable resource when building your personal brand. It provides concrete examples of your strengths and achievements, which can be woven into your resume, LinkedIn profile, or discussions with mentors and peers. This practice not only helps you articulate your value more clearly but also builds your reputation as a reflective and growth-oriented professional.

  1. Encouraging Gratitude and Positive Thinking for Your Life

Journaling isn’t just about writing down feedback and successes—it’s also an opportunity to express gratitude for the recognition you’ve received. This simple act can shift your mindset, fostering a habit of positive thinking and appreciation for your work and the people around you. Over time, this can lead to a more positive work environment and a greater sense of job satisfaction.

How can You Start Your “Positives” Journal

Starting a “positives” journal is simple. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose Your Medium: Whether it’s a physical notebook, a digital document, or a dedicated app, pick a medium that you’re comfortable with and can easily access. I prefer a physical booklet.

  • Be Consistent: Make it a habit to jot down (onöly positive, for now) feedback soon after you receive it. Consistency is key to building a comprehensive journal.

  • Reflect on Context: When recording feedback, note the context—what was the project, who gave the feedback, and what specific actions were praised. This adds depth to your entries and makes them more meaningful when you revisit them.

  • Review Regularly: Set aside time, perhaps monthly or quarterly, to review your journal. This reflection helps reinforce positive behaviors and allows you to see your growth over time.

  • Celebrate Milestones: Use your journal to celebrate achievements, both big and small. Recognizing milestones along your career journey helps maintain motivation and enthusiasm.

What’s next for you?

Incorporating journaling into your career, especially focusing on positives, can have profound impacts on your professional development. It’s a simple practice that requires minimal time but offers substantial benefits, from boosting your confidence to enhancing your resilience. By documenting your successes and the recognition you receive, you create a powerful tool that not only supports your growth but also helps you navigate the ups and downs of your career with greater ease and optimism.

Celebrate! Be Grateful!!!

Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection—and for celebration too! So here are some journaling prompts to ponder and help you celebrate yourself:

1. Why did you choose your career?

2. How has your life changed since then?

3. Write about some recent positive feedback you have received from one of your clients r a colleague or boss: How did that feedback make you feel?

4. What are ways that your work is making a positive difference in the lives of others?

5. How does your work make a positive difference in your life?

6. What is something you've learned through a challenging situation recently?

7. Take time to appreciate yourself and your unique skills, gifts and talents: write a note of self-appreciation to yourself.

“Dear ___, you are a fabulous _______ because ___________.”

8. Think over some of the positive feedback you have received. These can be a powerful reminder of your worth and positive impact on your life and career. What stands out to you as remember these things?

9. Where do you receive support and inspiration? Courses? Books? A coach or supervisor? A mentor? Other?

10. Celebrate your milestones and successes. Write them down.

11. Express your gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives in your work and life. This is something you should do regularly, in my opinion.

When you focus on your positives, this includes your strengths, you really are able to move forward. If you have questions, just ask!

Have a positive week!

Patricia Jehle.