This? Or That? Or something COMPLETELY NEW?
Steps to a good decision: This? That? Something New?
Making a decision?
Most people make hundreds a day, but important ones come less frequesntly. I want to remind you of one thing before moving on into some nitty-gritty advice about decision-making. It is always easier to make a decision when you limit your choices, so start there. The sky may be the limits, but your brain deals better with between two and six options. The fewer, the better.
Making a BIG Decision, some ideas:
Take time to think about yourself: what makes you tick, what makes you passionate and what leaves you cold. Would this decision somehow go against the fabric of who you are? Would it enhance the person you are? Also, you are given permission to say what you needand what you want. I write this, because some people have been conditioned to overlook this, and it is always important to take your own needs and wants into consideration.
The environment: my mentors, my co-workers, friends, family, etc…
What would the different people in my life tell me? Ask them, especially if it is an important decision. Remember you were not put on this earth alone; use the gifts you have been given in your various relationships to help you decide.
What’s the present environment? What are the options right now? Later?
What door is open today, at this very moment? What might be open in three, six, nine and twelve months? How long am I able or willing to wait to make the decision? Does waiting make a (big) difference?
Evaluate the consequences
· Do a cost benefit analysis of the options, or simply list the positive and negative results
· Scale the options
· Look at the consequences, not just for myself, but for my family, and for my life, long-term
· What would the consequences be in a year, in three years, in five years, in ten…?
· Do I have enough time, money, energy, strength with what I have now? What will I have to give up? What is too much to give up?
· If I look back on my life at 80 years old, what will I think of the decision, either way?
When I decide this or that, what happens in my inner-self?
When I decide Awhat does my gut feel? How about when I decide Bor C? Where is my inner peace? Or if there is equal weight for either choice, try flipping a coin and then do what your gut feeling says (not on whether it’s heads or tails). In other words, use the coin to find out what you really want, and then do it. If that doesn’t work, try waiting three days. Don’t think about it; just be – and then try deciding. Remember to “watch” your dreams; they may be telling you something, too.
First, consider one option… with all those parameters discussed above: you, your environment, the present or waiting… how does it feel? Where is the energy? What kind of energy is that? What might be the consequences? Can I live with them?
Then, consider another option… with all those parameters discussed above: you, your environment, the present or waiting… how does it feel? Where is the energy? What kind of energy is that? What might be the consequences? Can I live with them?
Third, consider both options (together)… with all those parameters discussed above: you, your environment, the present or waiting… how does it feel? Where is the energy? What kind of energy is that? What might be the consequences? Can I live with them?
Fourth, consider not doing anything (neither option) … with all those parameters discussed above: you, your environment, the present or waiting… how does it feel? Where is the energy? What kind of energy is that? What might be the consequences? Can I live with them?
Finally, consider something completely different… with all those parameters discussed above: you, your environment, the present or waiting… how does it feel? Where is the energy? What kind of energy is that? What might be the consequences? Can I live with them?
Sometimes an example helps:
So you have two job offers- first job A, then job B, then doing both job A and B (people do this, I have more than one job), then neither job (unemployment? at-home parent?). Finally, consider something different: Going Back to School, Early retirement, etc…
I hope this helps you! If not, give me a shout!
Patricia Jehle
Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images