Jehle Coaching

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Burnout questions- and answers

Burnout questions:

Are you a manager?  Do you work more than 45 hours a week most of the timeat anyjob? Do you run a company, small, medium or large? Are you in charge of a department or division?  Are you a director or MD, VP?  Does your job, or your boss put more on your plate than you can manage?  Are you a working parent (even part-time) with kids in childcare? 

Then you may be in danger of burnout.

Some things are manageable, but sometimes life gives us more than we can handle. So, what can you do?

·     Seek help- who can help?  That’s the first question.  Maybe an employed, coworker, spouse, friend… maybe a house cleaner, maybe home delivery of groceries, maybe not just takeout, but something like home delivery of (healthy) meals.  Maybe you need a coach or supervisor to help you get your life in order.

·     Say no- sometimes clearer boundaries can (and should) be set.  If you can say no, what would it be best to say no to?

·     Quit and/or change- some people have the opportunity to find a better job that fits their needs and expectations. Sometimes a lateral move to different department (and boss) is all that is needed.  Sometimes a radical change may be in order.

·     Delegate(after good training, of course)- let it go. I repeat, let it go.

·     Mindfulness and other activities- Mindfulness is not eastern or western; it’s an attitude of awareness of yourself throughout you day.  Another part of this is “introvision”, which I am now able to do with clients. (see previous blogs)

·     Healthy exercise and eating- we all know that when you are healthy, you are less likely to burn out.

·     Find a group- I hate the word, “tribe”.  It’s overused these days, but the concept is important.  We are created to be communal creatures, even the most introverted of us.  Find a group to be with, to become a part of, one where you feel accepted and cared for.  If you need suggestions, contact me.

Mostly, you need to be aware of your boundaries: time, energy, health, mind, emotion- all of these parts of you have an “end” to them and burning the candle at both ends of any of these parts of you is dangerous.  

Take care and have a very healthy and intentional week.

Patricia Jehle