Posts in Supervision
Part One of “Finding Hope in Uncertainty: How to Stay Grounded and Positive When the Future Feels Unclear”

In times of uncertainty, when life feels this unpredictable and control seems out of reach, hope is essential. It serves as a guiding light, a source of strength that keeps us moving forward, even when we can't see the path clearly.

Finding hope in uncertainty can help you regain your balance, resilience, and a sense of purpose, helping you navigate all your challenges with a more positive outlook.

This is the beginning of a few blogs on how to cultivate and hold onto hope, even in the midst of great uncertainty.

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Expertise, Resilience and what I do

I have some expertise besides in business coaching and in supervision.

Where is your expertise found?

Besides having and using my MA in pedagogy (teaching and curriculum development), this business coach and supervisor (I) had certification to train others in intercultural communication AND that is exactly what I am teaching this semester at the FHNW; that and teaching negotiations, I mean.

My intercultural awareness comes in handy with my clients (and former ones), who range from Swiss to German to SE Asian to Belgian to Eastern European to Indian to N. American to… you get what I mean.

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NEWS - mine and yours

My life has a bit more in it this year.  What more would you like to do?  Sometime in July I will turn down the burner for a few weeks and think a lot, and all the previous work will balance the time of reflection and rest.

So, in August, I wind down with the teaching and will rev up the coaching and supervision! Looking forward to that, too!

Tell me your news!

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Happy Holidays

Most people know I am a book lover and read voraciously. This year, I will only suggest a few books, not because I haven’t read a lot, but because, I think this is more helpful for those of you who are, or know, a coach or supervisor. Before I get into the thick of things, I want to add a book I read last week that is a literature and has a lot of wisdom and coaching in it – and there is quite some reflection, which makes the characters change and move forward. I highly recommend it also for anyone working in intercultural fields.

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Job search at 45+ ??? - READ ON!

Ageism in the workplace is an unfortunate reality that you may face as you advance in their careers. It is especially a hard issue in Switzerland as it is required by the government for the company to pay more into your pension as you gain years of experience. For you nearing retirement or simply seeking a job later in your life, the challenges of age discrimination can be particularly daunting. However, understanding this issue and finding ways to counteract it can help you navigate their career paths with confidence and dignity.

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Why Get a Coach when you Head into Retirement (or ANY change, really)?

Navigating the transition into your retirement can feel daunting, especially if you’re unsure how to structure this new phase of life.

This is where coaching comes in and I will continue coaching and supervision (and consulting/training) well past my retirement from teaching at the university.

I, as your coach provide guidance, support, and practical tools to help you design a fulfilling and purposeful post-career life. Here’s how coaching can make a difference in your next steps.

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What can you do in retirement that is cool? Read on!

But to continue my thoughts on retirement, here are some ways to make the most of it:

1. Be adventurous and ready to explore new Interests and passions

Retirement finally provides you the freedom to dive into old and new hobbies, interests, and passions that may have taken a backseat during your career.

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A very big transition for you and me: Retirement!

Are you retiring soon? I am semi-retiring at the end of this academic year; that means I will not be working for a university anymore, but will still be a coach, supervisor, trainer and consultant. It means I can order my life in a way I find more amenable to my needs and wants.

Retirement marks a significant life transition for you and for me—one that’s often met with both excitement and apprehension.

For decades, you may have structured your life around work, routines, and other responsibilities.

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Change and Transition can use a Coach

Life transitions are both inevitable and challenging. They offer you the potential for growth, but they also require support, guidance, and a strategic approach.

Coaching plays an essential role in helping you not only navigate but excel through these periods of change. With a coach, like me, the fear of the unknown can transform into excitement for the future, providing you with the foundation for a successful and fulfilling transition to the next stage in your life.

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How stressed are you? What can you do about it?

There is good stress – contact me for a chat if you disagree.

But there is a time when your stress level tips. Then the stress begins to hurt your body.

What is that bad stress and what can you do about it? What causes it?

Stress: So, tip number one: label your stressors. Know what tips you into the “bad zone”.

Then, when possible, lessen those bad stressors. Do something about it.

For example: when possible, ask for help. It is good for two things – sharing the stress is making it less, but also social interaction lessens stress, in general.

Tip number two is BREATHE- either the 4 x 4 method or the 4 x 7 x 8 one, which I have recently shifted to. Look them up.

Tip number three: look at your expectations and see if they are realistic or are you trying to be/achieve perfection.

Finally, take on myPPFs® activities and be grateful for the PAST, savor the PRESENT moment and look forward to the FUTURE with hope.

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Focus on the positives and WRITE THEM DOWN!

In the fast-paced world of your work week, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, focusing on deadlines, projects, and the never-ending to-do list. Yet, there’s a simple and often overlooked tool that can help you stay grounded, motivated, and continually growing in your career: journaling. Specifically, keeping a record of the positive feedback you receive - and your “wins” - can be a game-changer, offering a host of benefits that extend far beyond the moment of recognition. Your “positives” journal can also serve as a valuable resource when building your personal brand. It provides concrete examples of your strengths and achievements, which can be woven into your resume, LinkedIn profile, or discussions with mentors and peers. This practice not only helps you articulate your value more clearly but also builds your reputation as a reflective and growth-oriented professional.

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Plan after you set a goal with mental contrasting as a tool

To start reaching your goals, you need to put good habits into place.

Set very small steps (see SMART below) and work incrementally. I also use mental contrasting for myself, for my students and my clients.

What is it

: a kind of self-regulation:


A way to swing between goals and obstacles in a way that helps you overcome the obstacles and reach your goals.


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Change and Transition - and what is needed to move forward

Whatever the transition, whether small or heavy, we must work through the stages of grief so that we can really function well in life.  This means we much actually face the situation, the feelings of anger, disbelief, the deep sadness we might feel, so that we can begin to try and live again.  It’s won’t be a linear process, but a back and for of all those emotions.  Emotions are good; they are what make us human.  We shouldn’t be afraid to cry with our friends who are mourning.  In fact, it may encourage them, and even help them feel that we are a “small part” of their grief process.  When you have a transition, take your time and feel your feelings when you grieve a loss.

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What we know and think affect what we do and vice versa

How have you set up your life so that your habits help you to do what you know?

After all we can know what is good for us to eat, for example, and then go to McDonalds several times a month. We can know that exercise is good for us and then sit in front of the computer every evening after work. You get the idea.

Our minds are stronger than we think, though, so, not just what we know but what we think at any given moment can change our emotions and our direction.

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Summer 2024 - are you taking a break?

The temptation is to keep on working, or even work while on holiday, BUT it is NOT sustainable, nor is it healthy.

Many of us are tempted to skip our vacation, or at least check out work emails daily (hourly?) while away. 

After all, nobody wants 1,000+ emails to go back to work to. 

But psychologists have found it vital for our health and well-being to completely “shut down” for a while, even if it’s a 48-hour break from emails, and a change of pace and scenery. 

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Perspective in stress and negative emotions - the key to SUCCESS!

Changing your perspective on stress and negative emotions will help you be healthier. How you SEE things is really a game changer. How you see your situation and your stress can be the path to ill health OR a path towards resilience and SUCCESS!

I have a few clients with long term stress.

It happens to all of us, and for some it is a “given”. 

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You need someone to TRUST?

You are looking for that particular someone.

Or you are looking for “your People”.

Or you are looking for a coach, a counsellor, a mentor, …

How do you choose and what do you look for?

How do you know that they are trustworthy?

This is important for any business or other relationship: TRUST!

Research has shown that mutually supportive relationships are key to stress reduction and resilience. 

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One way to fight stress: be resilient!

Stress is “fought” best by being resilient.

How resilient are you?

Resilience has a lot of factors, and one is focusing on your strengths (not your weaknesses).

What is your superpower?

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There IS good stress!

Are you stressed? It is normal and CAN be a good thing!

Stress is a normal part of life and without it you really would not get anything done.

Those deadlines (unless there are too many all at once) are actually helpful.

Even having a visitor over can stress you enough to finally pick up and clean a bit.

Stress can also tell you what is important in your life.

What you value can stress you out – this is important to know!

I have a friend who often says, “I don’t care anymore.” But of course, she does. 

The stress you have can point to what you care about (often what you care about most). This a good place to start (and end): reflection! What do you value?

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Spring Check-in and Check-up

Resilience is what you need to help prevent burnout. It is a key to thriving, even if you are underwater and the to-do list keeps getting longer.

So, what really helps you get up and keep on going when something happens that is a set-back, whether big or small?  What makes you resilient? 

You’d be surprised. 

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