BOOKS to read while at home

Here are some books you might want to read while you are locked down and/or on spring break - some for fun, some for growth, and really in the end,  all are “good for you”. Just READ! And enjoy!


Okay a big nod to the Odyssey and Iliad are key- and The History (of the Peloponnesian War) by Thucydides, for speech and history buffs

Anything by Shakespeare but I like Hamlet best

Anything by Dickens and Tolstoy and Jane Austen

Adding Willa Cather to the list for Americans, she is phenomenal

And Steinbeck, though all of the post WW1 writers are worth reading.

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez

Isabelle Allende, just about anything

Chinua Achebe


Orwell and Huxley

Asimov and Bradbury

Le Guin (sort of Fantasy, too)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

And my cousin Eleanor Glewwe’s books

And my nephew Dean Edstrom has also written a book, too

Third Culture and Immigrant Books:

Amy Tan, just about anything

Monica Ali and Jhumpa Lahirii

Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle

I want to buy a Vowel by John Welter

Feel Good/light reading books:

Alexander McCall Smith books

Anne Tyler books

Jon Hassler books

The Painted House by John Grisham

The Narnian Chronicals 

Everything by Tolkein except the Silmarillon (it’s good for fantasy geeks, but not very easy to read)

Others (that are not so light):

Tuesdays with Morrie


One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Business and other great books to develop your business and economic sense:

Talking to My Daughter About the Economy

The Power of Habit

The Fifth Discipline

Good to Great

Super Leadership

Leading Change by John Kotter

Scaling Lean

And the Eric Ries books


The Bible

The Practice of the Presence of God (Lawrence)

Timothy Keller Books

Eugene Peterson books

Jan Johnson books

Dallas Willard books

Richard Foster Books

Marva Dawn books

And there are oh so many many more - there are a world of books to enjoy and explore.  Enjoy and have fun – and grow!

Patricia Jehle