Books in 2019 and 2020
What are you reading? What are you learning?
I have an old friend who regularly greets her friends with the question, “What are you reading?” This is one of my favorite questions because it assumes that the person is a learner and a reader. I think we should be both. So, the second question that goes with the first is “What are you learning?”
That really leads to pre-questions: Why are you reading these books? What books are next in line? What are your goals? What books and articles are you reading that lead you to your goals? Also, what courses, lectures, YouTube videos, webinars might you be “attending” to reach your goals?
My reading - and my goals
One of my biggest goals is always to work on being a better coach, supervisor and consultant for my clients, so I am reading coaching and supervision books and am now finishing supervision course with EASC certification.
We are all constantly learning and changing and I believe change is possible for everyone.
We learn through many ways and one is via input (reading, or YouTube, and TED for example).
So, what are your goals for 2020? What are doing to reach those goals? What are you reading and what are you learning?
Have a great New Year!
Patricia Jehle
PS, here are some of the books I read in 2019 (2020):
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Changes that Heal by De. Henry Cloud
The Resilience Factor by Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte
When the Heart Waits by Sue Monk Kidd
Grounded by Diana Butler Bass
It can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
A different Kind of Happiness by Larry Crabb
Letters from a Skeptic by Greg and Edward Boyd
Veritas by Dean Edstrom
Rethinking Positive Thinking by Oettinger
The Upside of Stress by McGonigal
Wolfpack by Wambach
Introvision Bei Stress – Und Angst Bewaltigung by Neumann
Reinventing Organizations by Laloux
Arriving Well by Brubaker, Cumberford and Watts
Passionate Supervision by Shohet et al
Supervision in Action by deHaan
Selbstmanagement-Resourcenorientiert by Storch and Krause
Some books for fun (again, not all)
Sky and Stone (really 2020- Just finished) by Hickam
Ireland by Delaney
Z. by Fowler
The Abbey by Martin
Also by Martin: The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything
Hallelujah Anyway by Lamott
The Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed out of the Window by Karlsson
This is what’s on my table (what’s next or in the process):
Heroic Leadership by Lowney
The Imposter Cure by Hibberd
Critical Moments in Executive Coaching by deHaan
Ten plus fiction books and – many other subject books, too
A great book to read