We are back to WORK! plans and goals to help you move forward

Are you having problems with getting back to work from a great holiday time? My husband and I have been, AND we have some ideas to help - maybe you can do them too!

Start back on a Wednesday, or even Thursday (my son tried to do this on a Friday, recently)

This is what I am doing a week ago.

Make your first work-week lighter by only working a few days, or perhaps schedule something “fun” first, such as a training day, or a team building day where you have no choice but to ignore your email list. 

What about you? Can you re-start midweek?

Start slowly, with lowered expectations

Do not plan a long first day or two, but slowly set and get into your list of “to-dos”; don’t expect to get finished with your list but try to focus on one or two key goals for the first few days. 

If you have been gone for a while, remember to reacquaint yourself with the team, the space, and the food, too, especially if you have been away for a long time or working (mostly) remotely.  Freshen up your workspace and make it “your own” once again.

To avoid the blues, revisit your recent memories and ENJOY!

Maybe you want to review your photos or try and make that green curry you learned to make in Thai cooking class.  Maybe you want to try that team building activity you learned in your week away. Find something positive to remember from the past activity. For me, it is all the positive notes from former student in an intensive leadership training last week and weekend.

Have -or make- positive plans for the future, have something to look forward to!

Not only are we attending a special wedding sometime next spring, but we also have some friends are visiting soon.  So, although we will be working, we have very positive activities to look forward to.  This helps when work gets tough:  we can look ahead to the next enjoyable activities that break the work stress.  These plans and goals help make the days pass with positive thoughts.

Here are some more ideas about Goals:

7 Questions to Refocus on Your Goals this Fall

As we approach and refocus on the final third of the year and that "back-to-school" energy, here are some questions you might want to bring into your coaching conversations:

1.     What's been your biggest success so far this year?

2.     What are you most proud of accomplishing?

3.     And what is still left to accomplish?

4.     What habits have most supported you this year?

5.     What has been your biggest, and most important, learning this year so far?

6.     What's your vision, theme and focus for the last third of this year?

7.     What's the rhythm you want to adopt for the rest of the year?

Adapted from Jennifer Britton's end of year review questions.

From the Coaching Tools Company, https://www.thecoachingtoolscompany.com

May your resurfacing be successful, and the next good thing, whether holidays or time away from “the grind” doing work intensively, be planned soon!

Patricia Jehle                 patricia@jehle-coaching.com