Posts tagged ethics
Ethical guidelines in coaching - what are my no-go's

I recently read The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook and it has given me some thoughts and some activities to do, such as organizing a “will” for my practice.  It is full of ideas and helpful hints for me as a coach and supervisor.

I highly recommend this book for coaches and supervisors - as not only something to borrow and read quickly, but to have on one’s office bookshelf, not to gather dust, but to use and return to and to help us “helpers” ponder what is ethical, what is in the gray zone, and what is a no-go for  coaches.

This makes me think about some of my own no-go’s as a certified coach and supervisor.

One big one is “taking advantage” of a client. This has a few aspects to it.

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Seven Virtues for modern society

Last time I talked about the seven deadly sins and how they are pernicious in our present culture. Now I want to talk about the opposites and how to cultivate them in our lives and promote them in society. First, here are the deadly sins once more:

Sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, and pride.

The virtues to cultivate are:

chastity, temperance, charity (or good works/love in action), diligence, kindness, patience, and humility.

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