The Job Search - is THIS for YOU?

I just ran into a former client this morning who came to me because she was looking for a better job and could not get past the “Swiss system of hiring”.

She was well qualified and young and energetic, but  as a trailing spouse, felt left behind regarding her own career path.

After some CV-checking and some coaching, she found her way and just today I ran into her and it was refreshing to see how well she is doing!

Maybe you need direction, or re-direction in your job search?


Have you successfully gone through a burnout phase but need to get back to work somehow and feel daunted? A certified coach may help you in this better than a therapist.

Here is a success story I have about someone who came to me after he was done with therapy, but looking for a job again, as an executive level. Luckily, he was not over 45, as in Switzerland, any job search for overqualified senior people is more difficult (I will write a success story about that, later).

So, my client came to me, and I supported him with CV, ideas for interviewing, and eventually, after a few months, my client found a suitable job and then kept me on while he moved into the position (this is also something I do: transition coaching).

Every once in a while, I still hear from my client who is still working, but, not at this position anymore.

So, are you burnt out and seeing a therapist or waiting to see one? If you are seeing one, great! I might be able to help you when you are ready to get back to work. If you haven’t been able t see a therapist yet and need someone to walk with you while you wait, I might be able to help you, even online. The wait for a therapist here is Switzerland is around two to three months. I do not know , but guess it is similar where you are and maybe you just need to start somewhere and have some support. I am a certified burnout coach from CerneySmith.

But maybe everything is going well for you, that is wonderful! However you may have someone dear to you that needs this kind of help, too.

May your week be peaceful and successful.

Patricia Jehle