Posts tagged goals
How (un)Successful are you?

It’s almost February and maybe you feel great about how the year is shaping up. Maybe your goals have been set and you have reached a first milestone. Maybe you have planned your holidays, shopped the sales for the necessities and are sitting ready for a great Lenten season of listening and reflecting.

Or maybe not…

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What I am reading – and you? Let's learn and grow!

What are you reading?

What are you learning?

I have a friend who regularly greets her friends with the question, “What are you reading?”

This is one of my favorite questions because it assumes that the person is a learner and a reader.

I think we should be both. So, the second question that goes with the first is “What are you learning?”

That really leads to pre-questions:

· Why are you reading these books?

· What books are next in line?

· What are your goals?

· What books and articles are you reading that lead you to your goals?

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Fall Cleaning Ideas (for success)

How are you getting ready for the fall?

Are your emails paired down and ready for responses? Do you code/color-code them for “triage” and potential clients?

What about your to-do list(s)? Do you keep your old lists to make sure you haven’t out something under the pile of papers for too long?

What is your calendar like?

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Growth in the Fall? Why Not?

When you want to develop and grow, you move from your strengths toward your weaknesses, like two sides of a coin.

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Thrive, not just survive (COVID-19)

Here is a list of things to do to thrive during this extraordinary time of social-distancing and home office with COVID-19. It is also helpful for the future.

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