Posts tagged vacation
Summer 2024 - are you taking a break?

The temptation is to keep on working, or even work while on holiday, BUT it is NOT sustainable, nor is it healthy.

Many of us are tempted to skip our vacation, or at least check out work emails daily (hourly?) while away. 

After all, nobody wants 1,000+ emails to go back to work to. 

But psychologists have found it vital for our health and well-being to completely “shut down” for a while, even if it’s a 48-hour break from emails, and a change of pace and scenery. 

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Summer Break? Take one!

Got time for holidays? Or has work got all your time? Take a break off from work before work breaks you!

Skipping your 2023 vacation because you have too much to do?

I once read an article about how someone was guilted by her boss into not taking her vacation time.  In the end the stress from work took its toll and, no, people didn’t get burned-out.  The company went under. No joke.

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Your most important items "to-do"

When you are triaging- remember to plan for the two most important things:

THE MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent



What about you?

What are the MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent for you?

Maybe it is about finishing a book you need to read for work or study.

How do you plan for you MOST IMPORTANT items on your list? Do you block out certain times in the day/week/month that are sacred for these projects?

What about breaks – whether half-days, days, a mini-vacation, or a real one, they should also be scheduled and sacred.

Where can you go and what do you do to find rest and restoration?

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