Summer Plans? Goals? Moving forward?

Summer is a lovely time of great weather, outdoor and water sports, vacations, barbeques, soirées and general fun.  For some, COVID calls for a stay-cation and lots of creativity, for others, going nearby to a rented cabin, or in my case, a chalet, is in order.  What are you doing to have some down-time this summer?

It is true that one can get distracted in the middle of the fun and forget our business, or work, or start-up – and our life goals.  This is part of th4e plan: real down-time to rest, relax and recover: not R&R but R&R&R.

Don’t skip your summer vacation, if at all possible!

Many of us, including myself, are tempted to skip summer holidays, or, at least check out work emails daily while at the beach or in the hotel.  After all, nobody wants 1,000 emails to go back to work to.  But psychologist have found it vital for our health and well-being if we can completely shut down for a while, even if it’s a 48-hour break from emails, and a change of pace and scenery.  August is coming up and then September.  Have you planned your vacation?  Taken it already? Decided to skip it this summer?  

Here’s an idea:  Promise yourself and your partner: once a day email checks, 30 minutes maximum- with a goal of 15 minutes.

Your physical and mental health depend on R&R&R- that means better JOB performance when you return, baby!

Studies have shown that we need to take time away from the daily schedule of work faor our health, whatever that place activity and might be.  It is the “other” that causes restoration and growth.  For example, new places make new mental neuron synapses grow and rest the overused “pathways” of much used tracks of thinking in our brains. 

Not only that, but stress levels are reduced and therefore, productivity increases with a break in work.  Employers should be sending their team members away more often just for better productivity—and for better creativity.  The employees return to work relaxed and healthier, ready for more challenges to be overcome.  Your job performance gets better after holidays.

Your need to relax now or you might find it difficult to relax later on

It has been shown that, depending on your actual stress level at any point in time, it will take more or less time to unwind and really relax.  If you go for too long, it becomes increasingly difficult to wind down.  Eventually, you might be unable to “remember how to relax”, and may be in danger of burnout.  Therefore, even long weekends with no emails are recommended to keep you “in practice”.

Your family matters, and spending time with family builds the relationship.  Relationships are key.

Finally, it is important to remember that the reason you are working is less important than your relationship with your loved ones.  Take some time off to build your relationships with them, doing things you all feel are enjoyable and relaxing.  Create positive  memories. For my family the place and activity is usually rock hunting in the Ticino; for another family or couple it would be another place and pastime.  But it is the time spent together in the end that matters, because those are our key relationships.

BUT, there is a need to focus, even in the summer.

We need an easy way to keep on track when we are trying to focus.

Here are some tips:

·      Keep you list of summer goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, rewarding and time-based)

·      Write your goals down and make a plan to reach them

·      Visualize the positive effect of reaching this goal.  See yourself “already there”.

·      Write down the goal for the week each week at the beginning of the week (or on Friday afternoon) and break it up into daily goals

·      Write down your goal for each day at the beginning of the day and say it out loud – and then say it again after lunch

·      At the end of each day – and each week – readjust your list 

·      When you reach each goal, whether small or large, “pay” yourself with a coffee break, some chocolate, and my favorite: reading a chapter in a novel.  The bigger the goal, the bigger the prize.  Choose what fits you and is healthy enough, and not too expensive.

·       At the end of the week if you have reached your big goal, besides rewarding yourself, set a “harder” goal for t he following week.  See how big a goal you can reach!

·      Finally, take care of yourself: practice good “mental health” activities such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, meditating, get enough sleep, attempt to stay in a positive environment, and keep on growing.

If you work on each of these things when you are not on vacation this summer,  you will move onward and upward in the midst of the summer fun and socially distanced parties.

Finally, for those who have their own company, here is a great article to read about summer slow-downs:

Enjoy the summer!

Have a successful week!

Patricia Jehle

Note:  I am taking a few weeks off my blog, as most people are on holiday and I will be, too. See you either early or mid-August! You can still reach me via email at , but I will only be checking my mail 2-3 times per week.  Enjoy your summer holidays!