Posts in Starting a business
Expertise, Resilience and what I do

I have some expertise besides in business coaching and in supervision.

Where is your expertise found?

Besides having and using my MA in pedagogy (teaching and curriculum development), this business coach and supervisor (I) had certification to train others in intercultural communication AND that is exactly what I am teaching this semester at the FHNW; that and teaching negotiations, I mean.

My intercultural awareness comes in handy with my clients (and former ones), who range from Swiss to German to SE Asian to Belgian to Eastern European to Indian to N. American to… you get what I mean.

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NEWS - mine and yours

My life has a bit more in it this year.  What more would you like to do?  Sometime in July I will turn down the burner for a few weeks and think a lot, and all the previous work will balance the time of reflection and rest.

So, in August, I wind down with the teaching and will rev up the coaching and supervision! Looking forward to that, too!

Tell me your news!

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Change and Transition can use a Coach

Life transitions are both inevitable and challenging. They offer you the potential for growth, but they also require support, guidance, and a strategic approach.

Coaching plays an essential role in helping you not only navigate but excel through these periods of change. With a coach, like me, the fear of the unknown can transform into excitement for the future, providing you with the foundation for a successful and fulfilling transition to the next stage in your life.

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From burnout to start-up!

Are you starting a business because you need a new direction after recovering from burnout? Here is a success story:

My client wrote me from out of the blue that he wanted to start a business and that RAV (the Swiss unemployment service) would pay for me to coach him.

So, we started a journey that helped him to look at his product, the market, and even how long he could invest in the enterprise without much financial return before he would need to get back into the regular business market.

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Looking for Something? Looking for help? What do you need? What do you want?

Are you in need of a coach, but wonder if they can really help you?

Or have you had a coach but been disappointed by the price and the results?

Many of you look for a coach when there is some sort of crisis and maybe you are rash in choosing a “package” or adding on after a freebie coach bot…

As usual, “Buyer, be aware!”

What is your need and what do you want to accomplish is the first thing.

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays! Here is part of the Jehle Coaching Annual Report: I am looking for two (maximum) MORE/NEW clients in February 2024 (and some additional training days here and there)

At this very moment in December and through January, I am full-up and cannot take any new clients. But as of the end of January I will have more space as I only each one class, so very soon I will be able to make space and time for new clients. 

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Some motivation for you

The Sky is the limit!

Here’s a little thinking exercise to keep that positive emotion going more:

·      First, think about how you are feeling- start with the joy or hope


·      Then think about where you feel the feeling in your body. 


·      How does that feeling feel in your body?

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Start - just DO it!

Keep on going! You and your startup matters!

Startups are hard, but worth it!

I can tell you from my own experience, so here are some ideas to keep your startup business sustainable.

Who are YOUR people? What is YOUR business? Where is the MONEY going to come from? Who is on YOUR team? What will sustain YOUR ups and downs? Consider getting a coach.


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Swimming? Do what you can!

Do what you can, and then turn your focus away from what you can’t. It helps with worry, which is not at all helpful.

This works for most instances, especially for work.  You can also think about how to work when things seem stuck…

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Tips to Overcome Our Perfectionism This Summer

Last night I heard a great sermon on “creators, choosers and consumers” and how at any given time of our life we can be one of these types of people. It was thought provoking!

This sermon led me to think about Covey’s “Circle of Control Model” and perfectionism.

Covey says we should focus on what we can do and what we can influence. That concept really helps with perfectionism. Read on for more thoughts on how to stop perfectionism:

I once went to a meeting where some local women professionals discussed perfectionism and how it affects our lives at work and at home. 

Some of us were affected at work, others at home, some both.  Some of us also had perfectionist partners and we talked about how that hurt our relationships and our family life. It was a great evening of sharing, mostly because we didn’t stop at the negative, but looked for solutions.

Here were some of the solutions we came up with:

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Lower stress with the H.I.T. List method

A while ago I got together with coaching and supervision colleagues and I was reminded of one of my favorite (negotiation and decision) interventions:  The H.I.T. list, where you have three questions:

·      What is your Have-to-have?

·      What do your Intend (or would like) to have? And

·      What can (or must) you Trade ( or give up) to get your Have-to-have (for sure) and possibly your Intend to have?

When you think about this, then you can decide what is not on these lists, and discard - or delegate.

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What can you Do when you are stressed for a LONG time?

how do I know what I can change in a stressful situation - what I have to deal with - and live through?

Let’s begin with some things you can do, even when the stress is not ongoing.

First, when you see that the programme is too full or is getting too full for your liking, try to, if you possibly can, put in time buffers.  Do it ahead of time.  Say you see that the next few weeks are full of ”heavy duty” activity, then do not plan something in the evenings, if possible – even if it is a fun activity and plan only fun activities (and one per day) at the weekend. This will help keep your brain and body from being on overdrive.

Learn to say no and feel good about it.

I am very serious about that.

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You need oxygen to survive and thrive

There are many ways to prevent burnout and to increase resilience. Increasing resilience.

Usually it starts with a wee “no”.

Maybe you even still must “do it”, but hopefully your boss or co-worker has finally heard that you actually do not want to do something.  Maybe they will think a second time before just assuming you will do that thing.

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Get you to-do list done - with a question word

Checking off that to-do list fast enough?

I am chugging through my list, but must remember the BIGGER things, too.

Like making time for work (and personal) reflection.

Like preparing for a talk on connection, communication (and, of course, conflict)

Like writing (and reading)

Like preparing next year’s school lectures

How do you plan on getting things done?

Do you make time for reflection – at the end of the day, at the end/beginning of the week, at the end of the month and year?

But in the end, keeping one word in my “view” at all times, really helps me get things done - maybe it will help you, too!

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Mind changing

Do you want to change someone’s mind?

I am thinking about just that…

What do they want is important

BUT why they want it is more important.

Not only do you need to know your own whys, but finding out their whys is very likely a key to success

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Moving Forward and Giving Thanks

How are you moving forward this and next week?

This is, most likely, your last push before the holiday crush and then it’s the holiday break.

So, how do you decide what is most important, next important, etc.

Do you know which activities bring you the most clients/customers, or financial turnover? Do those activities.

The rest of your to-dos can fall away till January.

Make sure your WHY is in the decision-making process, too.

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Keeping at your Main Thing

Shiny objects and Rabbit holes – “fun” distractions that keep you from the Main Thing

Sometimes in a workday, especially for those who have the double-sided coin of flexible choices of what to do when, we are easily distracted by things that draw us from our “One Thing” or “Best thing”.

A person wrote me today and said that his answer to the question ofwhat is an Entrepreneur's "Achille's Heel"“I think it's loosing focus and spending too much time on things which are not relevant for customers. “

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Know your why, your reasons to keep on - and when to change

The Art of knowing when to keep on going and when to quit.

OR maybe you pivot (more next time).

Business is a lot like gambling, and oh-so-long-ago a famous country western singer, Kenny Rogers, wrote a song called “The Gambler”- I have known it since my childhood. One of the phrases is “You’ve got to know when to hold them (cards)… know when to fold them.” When to keep playing the hand you’ve been dealt and when to quit.

When do you continue on your chosen path and when do you change and do something new? That’s the question.

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Last week e looked at a formula: when you put what you want + what you need + what you can do (or learn to do) + what your future clients/customers need + what is right and good = a winning idea!

This week we are looking at customer (clients) needs. (you need to solve their problems).

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Your Next New Thing - it must be part of WHO you are!

What you do and say is important – for life, for your company, and work

It’s amazing how important it is to be what you (and your company, your company’s product, and its ramifications in life) present yourself as.

As a client of mine says, “It you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you have said. It makes life much easier.” She is so spot-on! I’ve been quoting her ever since she said this in a group supervision I was leading. I used the quote this past weekend with a friend who wants to encourage her son to be transparent at work.

I thought about it when a friend shared some of the struggles, she had been having with her (not truthful) spouse and how most everything comes down to being who you say you are. The inside and the outside match- no hiding.

I thought about it when sharing my own struggles with a few friends regarding the upcoming months and what is “on my plate” for work and life, and other things that cause me to pause and take note.

Be honest, I told myself, and I did. It’s about our integrity, one of the points on Goleman’s EQ list.


If you are a person of integrity you are like this…

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