Spring is for GOOD news and new activities, products, and innovation

Spring is for new things, new growth and good news!

The weather doesn’t say spring is coming, but it IS!

Are you doing new things? What is your plan for the spring and for the rest of the year?

Last week I wrote about how I had some reflection time (I hope you have some, too – or some scheduled sooner than later) 

So reflect and make your plans!

That weekend and the question my husband put to me this past weekend: what are OUR goals for this year has put me to thinking even more. What are my goals and how will I reach them?

What are your goals – for now, for the spring and for the year?

First, I have updated my webpage (check it out: www.jehle-coaching.com ) and my Google Business Page (if you don’t have one, contact me, ASAP!). It’s time for an update and a lot has been happening with my business, both with possibilities for contact (COVID)-wise and what training I have been having and what I can offer.

Also, that weekend away reminded me of what is most important.  I need to make time for solitude, reflection AND for creativity.

Finally, it’s almost Lent and I still haven’t decided if I want to give up – or add something, and if so, what?

Do you have a plan for Lent (in German it’s called Fastenzeit for a reason)?

I do have a schedule and calendar with activities full - with clients, with further training, with holidays (at least one), with conferences and meetings, and with my classes that I am teaching this semester, as school began yesterday. 

March is already almost full, and with Eastertime in April, it is almost full, too. But…

BUT I do have room for one or two more clients (preferably two)  Are you one of those two? 

Maybe you want to look at my website above and see if something speaks to you, something like burnout coaching, leadership coaching, or life coaching, or…

Even if the weather doesn’t speak of it (it’s rather awful here, now), the crocuses and snow drops promise the arrival: spring is coming, and it is best to have a plan than to “let it happen to you”. “Lent”, by the way, means Spring!

So, what’s next on your “to do”? Why and what is your big why  and the whats that follow that why - for the spring and the year 2022?

My WHY for 2022 is still community, and my husband and I are making visiting lists together and separately, just to reconnect with people in person.  This is so very life giving!

Did I mention we can meet in person, now, here in Switzerland and without masks???

Wow! This gives me much energy. A friend recently told me that the extroverts have really been suffering and are in great need of human connection right now.  Even us ambiverts and introverts feel it. So, take some time and meet up with someone – at least for a coffee.

Take time, also, to reflect on your goals, big and small. Then make your plan.

And maybe, by next week you will have some concrete goals and a way forward for the spring and, hopefully, for the rest of the year.

Enjoy your week, reflecting and meeting up.

Patricia                                    patricia@jehle-coaching.com