Success in leadership as a business owner and leader

A few weeks ago a friend asked me what exactly is executive coaching and I though of this success story:

Are you a business leader who has been under pressure for a number of years?

Have you not taken a vacation in months or years?

Do you feel close to burnout?

Here is a client success story (names and ülaces have been changed to protect them):

Mary came to me as a mother of a toddler, a business co-owner and she wished to have coaching regarding work-life balance.

We have been working together for a few months and recently she wrote me that for the first time in ov er 15 years she had taken an 8-day vacation with her family. She is also reading “fun” books, and not just work and self-help books. Also, she has joined a group of young mothers that meets monthly to share with them and to make friends. She is making new friends.

In other words, my client has successfully set herself up to be more resilient when the big stresses of work and life come, which they recently have, BIG TIME!

I have also worked with other bvusiness owners on just this very thing, too, with great success.

What about you???

Are you feeling like your resilience level is needing a boost?

Do you feel like you might be close to burning out, or just quitting?

How is your work-life balance?

Where are your problem ares that could be addressed?

All these issuse could be addressed by a certified coach, as I am.

Maybe you are in a different place: you have gone through the burnout route and now are either looking for a job or starting yur own business. I will write about these success stories in the next two blogs.

Until tghen, email me if you feel spoken to and in need of a coach.

Patricia Jehle