Posts tagged to do list
Get you to-do list done - with a question word

Checking off that to-do list fast enough?

I am chugging through my list, but must remember the BIGGER things, too.

Like making time for work (and personal) reflection.

Like preparing for a talk on connection, communication (and, of course, conflict)

Like writing (and reading)

Like preparing next year’s school lectures

How do you plan on getting things done?

Do you make time for reflection – at the end of the day, at the end/beginning of the week, at the end of the month and year?

But in the end, keeping one word in my “view” at all times, really helps me get things done - maybe it will help you, too!

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Your most important items "to-do"

When you are triaging- remember to plan for the two most important things:

THE MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent



What about you?

What are the MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent for you?

Maybe it is about finishing a book you need to read for work or study.

How do you plan for you MOST IMPORTANT items on your list? Do you block out certain times in the day/week/month that are sacred for these projects?

What about breaks – whether half-days, days, a mini-vacation, or a real one, they should also be scheduled and sacred.

Where can you go and what do you do to find rest and restoration?

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How to get important things done, not just the urgent ones

Time management is key to getting the important things done.

We need to find ways to CARVE out time for the important things and for reflection and Rest for 2022.

Look at your calendar and make that “cut” and CARVE out the time.

Then when you are in your reflection day (or at least half-day per month), decide what is really important and CARVE out time for that one or two items for the next month.

Then reflect again at another pre-planned date. And keep those times holy.

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