Jehle Coaching

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From burnout to start-up!

Here is the final blog in a series of success stories and this one is about how I have helped clients who were burnt out or near burnout.

This one is about a start-up.

Are you starting a business because you need a new direction after recovering from burnout? Here is a success story:

My client wrote me from out of the blue that he wanted to start a business and that RAV (the Swiss unemployment service) would pay for me to coach him.

So, we started a journey that helped him to look at his product, the market, and even how long he could invest in the enterprise without much financial return before he would need to get back into the regular business market.

We looked at various scenarios and how all this could work so he would be successful and happy.

My client moved from his passion and idea to making concrete progress in the nuts and bolts of his new enterprise. His start-up was on the way!

After several months, he was ready to fly on his own and we have been in contact once a year or so since 2014! Wow, that was a long time ago!

How about you?

Do you want to start a business and have no idea where to begin?

Start-up coaching is one of my favorite things to do!!!

Maybe you want a slow start because you have had a burnout or were near to one. This is also something I can help you with (see last week’s blog).

Maybe you are over 45 and you are unemployed.

I also have successes to write about with that. Maybe some other time you can read about that.

Until next time, enjoy your week!

Patricia Jehle