Posts tagged Start-ups
From burnout to start-up!

Are you starting a business because you need a new direction after recovering from burnout? Here is a success story:

My client wrote me from out of the blue that he wanted to start a business and that RAV (the Swiss unemployment service) would pay for me to coach him.

So, we started a journey that helped him to look at his product, the market, and even how long he could invest in the enterprise without much financial return before he would need to get back into the regular business market.

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Start - just DO it!

Keep on going! You and your startup matters!

Startups are hard, but worth it!

I can tell you from my own experience, so here are some ideas to keep your startup business sustainable.

Who are YOUR people? What is YOUR business? Where is the MONEY going to come from? Who is on YOUR team? What will sustain YOUR ups and downs? Consider getting a coach.


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Start-ups, Entrepreneurs and Joy

What gives you joy?

Start-up and Entrepreneurial coaching gives me joy. Working with C-level leaders that bring jobs and help the local economy gives me much joy. I love to help the leaders and their companies succeed.

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Are you an Entrepreneur, my family is! Here are some suggestions

When you start a business you need to consider all the scenarios, both positive and negative and have plans so you can succeed.

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Need Good News? Here's some on Resilience

There are four pillars to good resilience and good news is very helpful to two pillars

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Start up the right way - a TO DO list


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