Happiness is possible, it really is


Happiness is illusive

Happiness is attained in a number of ways

Happiness is highly related to resilience practices

So, are you happy? 

I am, even though I have a lot of work ahead of me, I see what it will hopefully attain.

The tough parts of my near future as seen as my steppingstones to reach the top, my goal(s).  The time and energy needed to get there are seen as necessary expenditures to reaching my mountain top (where there is a wonderful carousel restaurant and a party).  My top is self-defined, by the way.

I repeat, are you happy?

How is happiness attained?

1.     In a job well-done (and if at all possible, within the time and financial constraints)

2.     In (finally) reaching a goal

But also in:

·      Healthy activity for mind, body and soul (and all the underlying goals to be reached)

·      Good (safe, fun, reliable) relationships where I can be myself and share myself

·      Doing good to others, especially “strangers” (no kidding!)

·      Being grateful for the past, savoring the present and looking to the future with hope

·      Being happy about your job and what that job contributes to “the greater good”

Again, are you happy? What does “happy” mean for you?

Where do you need to change to be happier?  Your thinking? Your focus? Your situation? Your activity?

For example:

Maybe you see no point in your job; you can either find some meaning in it (and usually there is something) or you can find a job (or company) you find more meaningful.  Do you see everything in the negative? (be grateful and savor and be hopeful).

What is making you unhappy?  

Is it just “for a season”, then let it be as it will resolve itself. If it’s long-term, how can you see it in a different light (like I do with my steppingstones)? Otherwise, how can you change your situation. 

You almost always have a choice.

Even in prison, Nelson Mandela made a choice to see his bars in a positive way.

 Just saying.

So, what can you do today and this week to move toward happiness and increase your happiness quotient?

Have a wonderful week!

Patricia Jehle               patricia@jehle-coaching.com
