What we know and think affect what we do and vice versa

What we know and what we do are sometimes quite different, and I have been thinking about this.

Here is what started my thoughts:

“What do you know?” - Rev. Mark van Stee He asks this instead of “how are you doing”.

“If you know five things and only do three, you know too much.” -Pete Greig – I think he means that we should all be doing what we know is right – all of it.

“If you learn nothing and remain the same then the future is just the past repeating itself… “If you learn from your mistakes you reshape yourself and redesign the future.”

- Susan Howatch – This quote fits in with Pete Greig’s idea for me- and habits are key to this.

How have you set up your life so that your habits help you to do what you know?

After all we can know what is good for us to eat, for example, and then go to McDonalds several times a month. We can know that exercise is good for us and then sit in front of the computer every evening after work. You get the idea.

Our minds are stronger than we think, though, so, not just what we know but what we think at any given moment can change our emotions and our direction.

Here are some more quotes about thoughts:

“Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”  –Peter Kreeft


“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,

Your words become your actions,

Your actions become your habits,

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

The above quotes are true on so many levels:  Our hearts somehow know it is true, but recently research in neuroscience has confirmed the statement to be true – and vice versa.  Our bodies and minds are so interconnected that the one affects the other.

There is even a cognitive triangle that one can work through when something happens to make sure our thoughts remain in sync with what we want.  You can email me about this, if you want.  The opposite is also true:

When we behave certain ways, our emotions and thoughts are affected.  For this, we can look at Amy Cuddy’s research. http://amycuddy.com

So, remember to think and act how you want to feel.   First, though, ask yourself some questions:

So, what do you want?  (What is the goal?)

Today how are you going to do/get that? Or what is the first step you make towards that goal, today? 

What are you going to think and do to move in this direction?

What is your plan for the week? And the next?

How can I set up one habit to move in the direction of my goal?

One day, one habit, one thought, one goal at a time.

Have a great rest of the week!

Patricia Jehle                 patricia@jehle-coaching.com