Posts tagged rumble
What has emotional intelligence got to do with virtues?

We have talked about the seven deadly sins, and their “opposites”, the seven virtues and now I want to tie in EQ – Emotional Intelligence.

But what is Emotional Intelligence? It is composed of four areas:

1.     Self-awareness (know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses- this could be the virtue of humility)

2.     Self-management (this would include the virtues of diligence, temperance, and chastity)

3.     Social awareness (this would include the virtues of charity/good works and kindness)

4.     Relationship management (this would be the virtue of patience but also include the virtues of charity/good works and kindness)

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How resilient are you? Here's something to do:

When you experience failure, what can you do to become more resilient?

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What do you do when your have been blindsided? Some ideas:

Have you ever been knocked down from behind? This blog helps you to respond and learn from the situation through reflection. Being blindsided is common, but can be overcome.

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Got negative emotions? Rumble with them!


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