Posts tagged burnout
Expertise, Resilience and what I do

I have some expertise besides in business coaching and in supervision.

Where is your expertise found?

Besides having and using my MA in pedagogy (teaching and curriculum development), this business coach and supervisor (I) had certification to train others in intercultural communication AND that is exactly what I am teaching this semester at the FHNW; that and teaching negotiations, I mean.

My intercultural awareness comes in handy with my clients (and former ones), who range from Swiss to German to SE Asian to Belgian to Eastern European to Indian to N. American to… you get what I mean.

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News - mine and what is yours?

I have had several things on the burner, and not much on the back burner, so it has been a juggling process since the beginning of September and it will continue this month, but November looks free-er and I will have time for new clients and different projects.

First, there was theEASCannual general meeting and then the online congressshortly afterwards. I, of course, participated in both as a board member and I alsogave a workshopon resilience, burnout and sustainable work

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Keep from burning out (how to)

You can’t slow down, maybe.

You are always working.

When are you moving towards burnout and how can you get help?

Set work boundaries but try to find (more) meaning at work, especially the hours and days. Take days off. Take holidays.

Meet with friends and family (that give you energy).

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Stress is often what you do with it: good or bad responses

So, what is there to do when under stress:

·      Manage Stress like it’s like diabetes (Type 2)- eat and exercise in a healthy manner.

·      Get enough rest and relaxation and have good sleep hygiene.

·      Talk about it and enjoy your relationships with friends and family.

·      See stress in a positive way (reframe it).

·      Pause before acting and reflect!

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You need oxygen to survive and thrive

There are many ways to prevent burnout and to increase resilience. Increasing resilience.

Usually it starts with a wee “no”.

Maybe you even still must “do it”, but hopefully your boss or co-worker has finally heard that you actually do not want to do something.  Maybe they will think a second time before just assuming you will do that thing.

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Do not become burnt out - take a break!

It’s now proven that stressed employees cannot produce as well as rested and relaxed employees. Everyone seems to know this fact, so why are so many bosses still expecting their workers to keep their phones on and return to work early from vacation? Companies suffer when people do not get holidays, as the company that closed down clearly shows.

The temptation is very high to keep on working, even if you have planned holidays

Many of us, whether pressured from the boss or not, are tempted to skip our summer holidays, or, at least, check our work emails frequently while at the beach or in the hotel. Some bosses expect this, and, after all, nobody wants 1,000 emails to go back to work to.

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No Burnout! - Holiday Season Prevention

PAST: Remember the past and be grateful, PRESENT: savor what we have in the present and FUTURE: anticipate the good things the future holds with hope.

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Holidays are healthy! Take one!

Have you got time for some holidays? Have you made some time for R&R?


Are you skipping vacation? (again!?!)

Although we are taking less vacation than our normal time away, we will still have some holidays. How about you?

The temptation is to keep on working, or even work while on holiday

Many of us are tempted to skip our vacation, or at least check out work emails daily (hourly?) while away. After all, nobody wants 1,000+ emails to go back to work to.

But psychologists have found it vital for our health and well-being to completely “shut down” for a while, even if it’s a 48-hour break from emails, and a change of pace and scenery.

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Avoid burnout, keep mentally and emotionally fit with PPFs

When you remember the past with gratefulness as I do with a client, and you savor the present moments, and you anticipate a positive future activity, you can avoid burnout and reduce stress. Learn to do the PPFs.

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Is my Workplace Toxic? Do I have burnout from it?

Does your workplace show toxic signs? Do you show signs of burnout? Is the leadership toxic? The team? The whole organization?

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EQ, softs skills and having resilience

How can emotional intelligence and soft skills help to build resilience? Read on.

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How resilient are you? Here's something to do:

When you experience failure, what can you do to become more resilient?

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