Posts tagged transitions
Change and Transition - and what is needed to move forward

Whatever the transition, whether small or heavy, we must work through the stages of grief so that we can really function well in life.  This means we much actually face the situation, the feelings of anger, disbelief, the deep sadness we might feel, so that we can begin to try and live again.  It’s won’t be a linear process, but a back and for of all those emotions.  Emotions are good; they are what make us human.  We shouldn’t be afraid to cry with our friends who are mourning.  In fact, it may encourage them, and even help them feel that we are a “small part” of their grief process.  When you have a transition, take your time and feel your feelings when you grieve a loss.

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Changes and transitions: dealing with emotions

We have transitions and changes all our lives- here is how to deal with the emotions.

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