Posts in Positive Attitude
There IS good stress!

Are you stressed? It is normal and CAN be a good thing!

Stress is a normal part of life and without it you really would not get anything done.

Those deadlines (unless there are too many all at once) are actually helpful.

Even having a visitor over can stress you enough to finally pick up and clean a bit.

Stress can also tell you what is important in your life.

What you value can stress you out – this is important to know!

I have a friend who often says, “I don’t care anymore.” But of course, she does. 

The stress you have can point to what you care about (often what you care about most). This a good place to start (and end): reflection! What do you value?

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Spring Check-in and Check-up

Resilience is what you need to help prevent burnout. It is a key to thriving, even if you are underwater and the to-do list keeps getting longer.

So, what really helps you get up and keep on going when something happens that is a set-back, whether big or small?  What makes you resilient? 

You’d be surprised. 

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Happy HOPEFUL Spring!

Maybe you are enjoying the spring flowers, the extended days of light hours, the birds singing.

Happy Spring!

Maybe you are frustrated with the rain and mud.

Believe me, it is muddy in my garden!

Maybe there is even more involved with your emotions. Maybe they are still as dark as night… or just very gray…

Have you got the spring blues? Are you tired and ready to scream? Try my Past, Present Future Model (PPF)to reflect and change your attitude for the better.

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How to deal with your triggers

Sometimes we are triggered. Stress and certain situations can trigger us. Sometimes the triggers come from childhood, or we want to protect ourselves.

This is where the infamous fight, flight, freeze or faun reactions come from.

Yesterday I watched a few triggered people react and , although it is not fun, it can help us learn about ourselves and do better next time.

I was also triggered and was able to keep calm and process it later with a safe person. For that I am grateful.

You also have triggers.

The question is: are you able to process your triggers and how do you do it?

The first step is personal awareness.

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Are you underwater, swimming, resurfacing, or on a raft relaxing?

Are you underwater, swimming, resurfacing, or on a raft relaxing?

I am resurfacing from an extremely busy few weeks. I knew it would be that way and I was prepared.

What about you? How do you prepare?

What are you telling yourself?

Is it positive and helpful or critical?

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Change takes your whole brain

Recently I watched a TEDx talk by Esther van Fenema on limiting our freedom for health and happiness. How do we limit these bad choices we consistently make so we CAN be happier and healthier?

Ms. van Fenema said that four out of 10 cancers are cause by an unhealthy lifestyle (why do we still soke?) and she said that 45% of cardiovascular disease is caused by an unhealthy (sedentary and eating the wrong food) lifestyle.

But how do we change? Is it MIND over matter – yes, AND there is more. I have been reading a few books and neuroscience says that we also must engage our HARE brain for change. That is the fast part that we cannot just think our way into.

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How (un)Successful are you?

It’s almost February and maybe you feel great about how the year is shaping up. Maybe your goals have been set and you have reached a first milestone. Maybe you have planned your holidays, shopped the sales for the necessities and are sitting ready for a great Lenten season of listening and reflecting.

Or maybe not…

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Doing JOY and taking a BREAK

Taking a break – if Brené Brown  can do it, so will I.

It has been a very busy time for me, as I am sure for you! As of now, and until January 22nd, 2024, I am pretty much not available, not for clients, nor for other work. If you reach out to me for dates as of the 22nd or later in 2024, I am very happy to reply, but it may take a day or two (not counting holidays and Sundays) to reply.

I will be doing something special activities and if you want to know, you may also reach out to me. I may even write about it next year.

Until I write again, I wish you much joy this holiday season!

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays! Here is part of the Jehle Coaching Annual Report: I am looking for two (maximum) MORE/NEW clients in February 2024 (and some additional training days here and there)

At this very moment in December and through January, I am full-up and cannot take any new clients. But as of the end of January I will have more space as I only each one class, so very soon I will be able to make space and time for new clients. 

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Influence and Control - you and your environs

It is what it is … or is it?

What can we control?

What can we influence?

What is out of our control?

What we can control (usually) is my response to what I can influence and what I cannot control.

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Stress Tips and Trauma - what to do

I have been thinking a lot about stress and trauma. Part of that has to do with two books I have been reading and other reason is that my coaching organization, EASC, had an online meeting about this topic last week at our monthly online meeting.

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Let is eat or talk about that elephant

Recently my thoughts have been inundated with elephants- on the internet there is a cute baby elephant chasing birds, for example and my daughter loves it.  The metaphors using elephants are also in my face these days, namely eating elephants and elephants in “living rooms”.

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Self-coaching and reflections

That is what supervision is for. I will address a supervisor and my intervision* group with this, and soon. If you, as a coach or supervisor do not have such reflection outlets, I highly recommend you find some soon! It is important for professionals in the helping business to have a reflective practice.

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Some motivation for you

The Sky is the limit!

Here’s a little thinking exercise to keep that positive emotion going more:

·      First, think about how you are feeling- start with the joy or hope


·      Then think about where you feel the feeling in your body. 


·      How does that feeling feel in your body?

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Start - just DO it!

Keep on going! You and your startup matters!

Startups are hard, but worth it!

I can tell you from my own experience, so here are some ideas to keep your startup business sustainable.

Who are YOUR people? What is YOUR business? Where is the MONEY going to come from? Who is on YOUR team? What will sustain YOUR ups and downs? Consider getting a coach.


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Reflect on your habits and thoughts for happiness and well-being

Besides taking care of your body, there are three (plus one) other things we can learn to do more:  be grateful, savor the present moment (and be mindful), and have a positive hope for the future.  (Those PPFs, again!)

The “plus one” is having a few close relationships. 

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What have you been reading lately?

A friend asked me for recommendations on Mentoring books las Saturday. I went to my library and pulled out two books I have read… but now I want to focus on recent books I have read for recommendations.

Reading books brings me joy, especially during holidays where I sit and read and read and...

I have read or finished quite a few books this past holiday time in Tenerife and Minnesota(and I am still reading, but at a slower pace), and I want to share some highlights in case you need or wish for something new to read.

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Swimming? Do what you can!

Do what you can, and then turn your focus away from what you can’t. It helps with worry, which is not at all helpful.

This works for most instances, especially for work.  You can also think about how to work when things seem stuck…

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The Jehle Coaching Blog is (finally) BACK! - it is like resurfacing from a scuba dive.

Returning to work from a longer break can be emotionally and even physically difficult, especially if you have really had a mental “break” from your every-day schedule for longer than two weeks. 

Returning to work after a longer break can also be something work related, but not every-day such as being on a work training or retreat besides holidays, family time or just R&R in the garden.

Returning to the regular pace of work can feel like you are a deep-sea diver coming to the surface again, facing a foreign world from where you have recently been. 

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Tips to Overcome Our Perfectionism This Summer

Last night I heard a great sermon on “creators, choosers and consumers” and how at any given time of our life we can be one of these types of people. It was thought provoking!

This sermon led me to think about Covey’s “Circle of Control Model” and perfectionism.

Covey says we should focus on what we can do and what we can influence. That concept really helps with perfectionism. Read on for more thoughts on how to stop perfectionism:

I once went to a meeting where some local women professionals discussed perfectionism and how it affects our lives at work and at home. 

Some of us were affected at work, others at home, some both.  Some of us also had perfectionist partners and we talked about how that hurt our relationships and our family life. It was a great evening of sharing, mostly because we didn’t stop at the negative, but looked for solutions.

Here were some of the solutions we came up with:

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