Posts in Positive Attitude
Summer Break? Take one!

Got time for holidays? Or has work got all your time? Take a break off from work before work breaks you!

Skipping your 2023 vacation because you have too much to do?

I once read an article about how someone was guilted by her boss into not taking her vacation time.  In the end the stress from work took its toll and, no, people didn’t get burned-out.  The company went under. No joke.

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Midsummer reflection and decision-making

Reflection Check-up for midsummer, including decision-making.

It is after midsummer and perhaps you and I should take some time for a reflective check-up.  It is important to regularly reflect upon our goals and check our progress to make changes and keep on your chosen course. 

First you must ask yourself questions.

Ask yourself

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How do I act on what I know?

How can I do what I teach and “preach”? As a coach and supervisor and as an educator with a Master’s in teaching, I “know” a lot. But do I practice what I know and how do I do it? What about you? Is there a disconnect between what you do and what you know (you should do)?

Last week at my Inter-Vision group discussed this topic, and we reminded ourselves that maturity is a life-long process. Hopefully, we are all better than yesterday and tomorrow we will be better still. We know a lot but practicing it is not always easy.

Let’s start with emotional regulation and integrity.

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Resilience and emotions

How can I manage my emotions?

Do my emotions have to do with resilience?

The short answer is yes. For better resilience, we need to manage our emotions better.

First we have to notice and name our emotions. With that awareness you are already half way there to better resilience.


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Lower stress with the H.I.T. List method

A while ago I got together with coaching and supervision colleagues and I was reminded of one of my favorite (negotiation and decision) interventions:  The H.I.T. list, where you have three questions:

·      What is your Have-to-have?

·      What do your Intend (or would like) to have? And

·      What can (or must) you Trade ( or give up) to get your Have-to-have (for sure) and possibly your Intend to have?

When you think about this, then you can decide what is not on these lists, and discard - or delegate.

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Reframe (shift) your thinking for resilience

For a better mindset – shift your focus and shift the viewpoint. This will cause you to be more resilient.

Shift: what I see and how I see it.

Doing the hard thingis

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Attitude and Assumption Check-up

Attitude is (almost) everything. And, of course our thoughts and attitude are quite intertwined.

Are you a quitter?  I bet you aren’t!  But negative assumptions and attitudes can creep into your working life quite easily because negativity is catchy!

So, have you been thinking any of the following lately:

·      I’m too stressed.  Stress is getting me down.

·      There is no way to move forward.

·      I can’t get any new clients, let alone keep the old ones.

·      My products are so-so…

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Keep from burning out (how to)

You can’t slow down, maybe.

You are always working.

When are you moving towards burnout and how can you get help?

Set work boundaries but try to find (more) meaning at work, especially the hours and days. Take days off. Take holidays.

Meet with friends and family (that give you energy).

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Relationships and hormones (and stress reduction)

There is a lot that can be done for stress and burnout. 

One thing stands ahead of many others, though.

When you feel stressed or are heading for burnout fast, go find a friend or two and talk about it.

What does this do? It created oxytocin.

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Relationships Build Resilience

One of the big parts of stress is something that you can control: how resilient are you?

Start with your relationships, for one!

Research has shown that mutually supportive relationships are key to stress reduction and resilience. 

What does a good relationship look like? How do I develop and grow in my relationships?

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Stress is often what you do with it: good or bad responses

So, what is there to do when under stress:

·      Manage Stress like it’s like diabetes (Type 2)- eat and exercise in a healthy manner.

·      Get enough rest and relaxation and have good sleep hygiene.

·      Talk about it and enjoy your relationships with friends and family.

·      See stress in a positive way (reframe it).

·      Pause before acting and reflect!

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That in-between (liminal) space

That in-between time

It’s hard

Liminal Space is what it is often called

“The word "liminal" comes from the Latin word “limen,” which means threshold. To be in a liminal space means to be on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet. You can be in a liminal space physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. Being in a liminal space can be incredibly uncomfortable for most people.“ – Verywellmind

There are physical liminal spaces: waiting rooms at the doctor’s office, airport terminals, airplanes in flight, hallways, bridges, in the car driving somewhere, and doorways…

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Mind changing

Do you want to change someone’s mind?

I am thinking about just that…

What do they want is important

BUT why they want it is more important.

Not only do you need to know your own whys, but finding out their whys is very likely a key to success

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Be a winner and be positive - especially with regards to others

…“tough-minded optimism” – is a blend of creativity in ideas, strong convictions about what works and about doing things for the “common good”, and resilience, especially when it comes to the need for change.  To quote, “The future is not shaped by people who don’t really believe in the future,”…

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Do what you can - and a Happy Lunar New Year°!

It is what it is … or is it?

What can we control?

What can we influence?

What is out of our control?

What we can control (usually) is my response to what I can influence and what I cannot control.

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You can do it - self-efficacy is important for resilience

Self-efficacy is a key part of resilience.

So, what’s your S-E Quotient? Your SE-Q?

Here’s some theory for the nosy part of us all:

Do you know what your Self-Efficacy Quotient is?Well, you should care about it and know generally at what level it is.

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Moving Forward and Giving Thanks

How are you moving forward this and next week?

This is, most likely, your last push before the holiday crush and then it’s the holiday break.

So, how do you decide what is most important, next important, etc.

Do you know which activities bring you the most clients/customers, or financial turnover? Do those activities.

The rest of your to-dos can fall away till January.

Make sure your WHY is in the decision-making process, too.

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Look at your fears and move on to success

Maybe you have all your ducks in a row, but something seems to be stopping you from moving forward? Is there something intangible slowing down your business?

Maybe you have inner conflicts with yourself that need addressing so you can start moving forward again.

A while ago week I read a wonderful book by negotiation expert Professor Dr. William Ury of Harvard Business School called Getting to Yes with Yourself and I found some treasures to help us out of those stuck places in business and in life.

Here’s Ury’s 6-Step Model…

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Try again - and learn when you make a mistake

Failure- it’s good, not bad – and failure at work is not likely to demotivate

Have you made some (work) mistakes, well, good!

You’re human. So am I! That’s wonderful, btw! We humans make mistakes and fail sometimes.

It is not the mistake or the failure that is the problem.

The problem is not learning from them, or even sometimes, not being willing to make any mistakes, to be outside of your comfort zone. Then you don’t move- and certainly don’t change.

Learning how to avoid failures from previous ones is one way to get ahead. Below you will find a list of 10 causes of failure focusing on leaders, which is taken from Napoleon Hill and some ideas for 2022-23 – it’s a bit edited for a more modern way of thinking.

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Grateful to such ned in October with the PPF Model®

I am Looking Forward and Dealing with Today – being grateful in everything.

I hope you remember the PPFs model. Past-Present-Future.

Remember and be grateful for the past, even the hard times.

Savor the present – the good and the hard parts.

Look forward to the future with hope and anticipation.

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